Does the library offer binding services for print copies of theses and dissertations?

 If so, what is the cost?


Yes, but...

The Library has an agreement with Wert bookbinding to have theses and dissertations bound at a price of $20.20 per copy. However, that price is based on a minimum of 10 bindings. The demand for printed copies has waned over the last few years and it can take months or longer to accumulate 10 to send out.

Unless you are requesting a large number of copies it might be quicker to have your work bound on your own. 
Here is the link to Werts' website and another that some students have used satisfactorily. 
If you have additional questions, please contact Jack McDonough in the Serials Department at:
  • Last Updated Nov 15, 2021
  • Views 56
  • Answered By Amanda Avery

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