Are there laptop charging stations in the library, for those who forget their chargers at home?


You know that sinking feeling when your device's battery is in the red...and you realize you forgot your charger at home?

Not anymore!  

The Library has several types of phone and laptop charges available to checkout to students. We have an assortment of lightning, USB, and USB-C cords and corresponding power adapters that you can use in a pinch.

Stop by the Library Front Desk during our service hours (1st floor of the Learning Commons) and we'll help you find a charger match for your device. You can "check-out" the charger to your Library Account just as you would a book. Use it wherever you like in the LC to charge up your device and then simply return all the components when you are finished. :)


  • Last Updated Aug 15, 2022
  • Views 45
  • Answered By Amanda Avery

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