How do I request books from other libraries? 


Students can borrow books from over 75 other regional university libraries via EZBorrow. This service is provided to all current Marywood students, faculty, and staff at no additional cost. To search for and request books available for borrowing, click the link on the left-hand side of the Library homepage under FORMS, called "Interlibrary Loan Book Request:"

(Last link pictured above).

You can also bookmark the EZBorrow Search page URL for direct access:

In EZBorrow, you can search for a specific title you need, OR you can browse by subject to see what books other universities have on a topic. 


Once you locate a book you would like to request:

1. Click the blue "REQUEST" button located under the book info

2. For Login, select MARYWOOD UNIVERSITY from the drop-down as your home library

3. Enter your first and last name and your Marywood email address and click "SUBMIT"

4. Click "CONFIRM REQUEST" (you can leave everything else as is)

5. Once the book arrives at Marywood Library, in about 2-5 days, we will email you to come pick it up at Circulation! 

Keep in mind that most interlibrary loan books cannot be renewed beyond the 3 week loan period. (You can return and re-request them however). Borrowers are responsible for the cost of missing or damaged items. 

  • Last Updated Mar 05, 2024
  • Views 39
  • Answered By Amanda Avery

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